Enter your username to see your security question. The answer to your question was created during the registration process. Entering the correct answers will send an email to the email you registered with containing further instructions to create a new password.

Security Question: No Question Selected

Important! If you have not yet created an account with an email address and security question and answer, you will not be able to use this feature.

United Employees Benefit Trust
220 S 27th St, Ste B
Tacoma, WA 98402
Phone: (253) 474-1214
(800) 223-2449
Fax (253) 474-7180

Important: The purpose of this website is for the educational use and convenience of participants. The information on this website is subject to change. More detailed information is available in the applicable Summary Plan Description, and should there be any inconsistency between information contained on this website and the Plan\'s Summary Plan Description, your rights will be determined by the Summary Plan Description and not this website. None of the information on this site is a promise of benefits. If you have any specific questions regarding Plan participation, please contact the Fund Office at 253-474-1214.

Website Privacy Policy