Welcome to Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 344's Website
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 344 was chartered in 1975 as a result of merging five previously organized Local Unions consisting of Oklahoma City Local 291 established 1901, Lawton Local 362 established 1918, Enid Local 739 established 1918, Oklahoma City Plumbers Local 369 established 1926, and Oklahoma City Pipefitter Local 344 established 1938. Our forefathers have dedicated their lives through hard work and dedication towards the Union movement to make us what we are today. Hard fights were won and lost at the bargaining table to ensure we have the best wages and benefit package the industry has to offer within the state of Oklahoma. Legislation was fought for to protect workers rights for every worker across Oklahoma and the United States. We still continue today to fight for workers rights on the steps of the state capital, as well as higher wages and benefits through collective bargaining.
The hardworking professionals of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 344 & Plumbers, Pipefitters, Welders, and Service Technicians & have been serving the commercial, industrial, and residential needs of Oklahoma for over 100 years. Our current membership exceeds over 1200 members and we serve the manpower needs for over 70 contractors in 57 counties throughout Oklahoma.
At Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 344 we take great pride in the "Core Values" that have been set through the hard work of our forefathers. Core Values define the ideals we believe in and the principals we've stood up for in the past and we'll fight for in the future. Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 344 is committed to the following on behalf of its members:
- Local 344 will assist every member in attaining the skills, knowledge, and capabilities needed to maximize their full work life potential and obtain continuous employment and long-term job security.
- Local 344 will promote the highest craft qualifications and skill training for our trades to secure the best wages and jobs for our members and continue building our world class plumbing, pipefitting and service industry workforce.
- Local 344, in the interest of our members, will implement the best policies and programs to increase our market share, and expand employment opportunities, and extend union representation to all workers in the piping industry within our jurisdiction.
- Local 344, acknowledging the importance of health and welfare and pension benefits for our member and their families, will continually strive to provide the best benefits for our members and their families through their working lives and retirement.
- Local 344 will continue building stronger relationships with our industry partners, including contractors and project owners, and work to promote our common interest in developing the unionized sector of our industry.
- Local 344, in recognizing the importance of protecting the members' gains made through collective bargaining, will enact the political will of the members and institute the political activities to protect the members in the workplace and promote their interests and those of their families in all aspects of their lives.
The Union and the Contractors Association formed the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 344 Joint Apprenticeship and training program in 1953 in a cooperative effort. This traditional system of education, setup by our forefathers, continues to be effective in preparing individuals for the trade. The Program operates under well-defined laws and regulations designed to protect the apprentice and provide education and training which meet the highest standards for the industry.
Today, the Program consists of five years of training, both on the job and in the classroom. Subjects covered include: math, trade science, OSHA health and safety requirements, basic electricity, blueprint reading, plumbing, refrigeration/air conditioning, instrumentation controls, and welding. Upon completion of the Program, the individual will hold the necessary licenses to work legally in the plumbing and pipefitting industry.
In addition, we offer journeyman upgrade courses such as Medical Gas System Installation Certification, United Association Welding Certification, Orbital Welding Certification, CFC Refrigerant Recovery Certification, and Backflow Prevention Certification.
"Our motto is Excellence Through Education". We take great pride in providing the state of Oklahoma with highly skilled, competent workers in the pipe trades.