ISSi-Remit (Electronic Remittance System)
ISSi-Remit is an internet based electronic remittance system which allows enrolled Employers to report monthly
remittance data to the Fund Office via an electronic form utilizing the Internet. The “ISSi-Remit” System has
been designed to accurately capture, manage and transfer remittance data electronically. This secure, accurate
and easy to use module eliminates the duplicate entry of remittance data and saves time and money for our
Employers and the Funds. The main features of the ISSi-Remit System are as follows:
- User Friendly
- Multi-level security
- All data transfers over the Internet are encrypted
- Electronic Remittance Forms are customized to meet the Employer/Funds needs
- Electronic Remittance Forms are populated with last reporting periods participant data
- Running totals for hours and dollars are maintained during data entry
- Distribution rules and calculations are maintained and performed in one place – the Fund’s ISSI application
server residing at the Fund Office
- Electronic Vouchers with clear language comments that can be printed by the Employer and sent to the Fund
office via the Internet
- Third Party payroll files or in-house computer system remittance reports can be automatically uploaded to
ISSi-Remit to further increase speed and efficiency
- Money can be wire transferred directly from your account to the Funds to alleviate the need for manual paper
- No more manual calculations. ISSi-Remit does 100% of the calculating for you!
If you would like more information on the ISSi-Remit system, please contact Laurie Good at (585) 424-3510.
Click here to view the ISSi-Remit User's Guide.